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paperback - poetry
ISBN -978-0-9933805-9-7

A collection of fragments, curios & relics, keepsakes & memories made into stories.



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paperback - fiction



Two women, mother and daughter, twenty years apart, come under the influence of a man, an island, and its myths.


Ally grew up with stories of the island where she was born; fairy tales and memories woven together in such a way that she never knew why she and her mother left, or who her father is. When her mother suddenly disappears, Ally returns to the island, convinced this is where she will find her, but also determined to resolve all the other unanswered questions from her childhood.







A Poet Lives Here
paperback - poetry and photographs


This little book documents a period of time during Lockdown, from April 5th through to September 20th 2020.  You can follow the progress online via Instagram by searching #apoetliveshere


On April 5th I took a tin of blackboard paint and painted the side of my shed. Every few days I wrote a poem on the side in chalk, reflecting on my mood or the events of the day. I posted photographs of the poem on Instagram and then people started to comment, even sending in their own poems to share. I watched passers by pause and read. And in this way felt connected to the world during a time when we were all isolated.


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paperback - poetry and photographs



What happens when you let a poet through the door? Poetry of course. Actually, it was there all along, you just couldn't hear it. Rise Learning Zone let me in for another year and this book contains the writing produced during sessions with learners. 


We talked about the alphabet, Inger Christensen's Alphabet Poem, the Fibonacci sequence, asked questions like Neruda, invented language, explored connecting and growing, explored our imaginations, tips for Lockdown living and what brings us joy.                 


paperback - poetry and photographs



If you let a poet into your school they can't help but write poetry about you. If you let them stay long enough, you might find that other people start writing poetry too. This exactly what happened at Rise Learning Zone in Nottingham, and this book contains some of the writing that was produced and a brief explanation of how it came about.


We talked about  maps and drew out where we live, Goose Fair, remedies for surviving life, masks and World Wars, watched poets performing online, discussed mainstream school and rules, recipes, families and friends and rocket science.



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